Canadian Government Executive - Volume 23 - Issue 1
12 / Canadian Government Executive // January 2017 Find the pain points in the client exper- ence within these �� areas. Quick �xes might help but a robust redesign digs to the roots of the pain points. ALLEVIATING CLIENT BURDEN B Y P E T E R S T O Y K O COUNTER ON-SITE KIOSK PHONE MAIL E-MAIL WEB E-CHAT APP SOCIAL SENSOR LEGACY SYSTEMS FALL-BACK CHANNELS OMNI-CHANNEL DESIGN LOW-COST CHANNELS Clients are diverse. �ey lead busy lives. How well does your service cater to their varied needs, wants, abilities, and circumstances? What burdens are imposed on them? Consider a few cases from their point of view: what is involved se�ing up a new business or se�ling the estate of a dead relative? �ose are not simple transactions but bundles of services that involve many providers. Clients have to juggle a long list of tasks , many of which are not evident initially. Too o�en, those tasks are designed for the convenience of administrators, not clients. Accounts are set up, forms �lled out, informa- tion veri�ed, applications processed, and so forth. To clients, those imposi- tions and frustrations can feel like endlessly pushing the wheel of pain . Clients know what good service is. �ey expect empathy and convenience. It is time to rethink service design from the tiny details of interaction to the broader systemic entanglements. Services can be delivered through di�erent means or “channels.” Which ones would your clients prefer? Is the channel mix a poor �t for some? How can the mix be designed and managed to be e�cient and appealing? If clients get stuck, what help is available? How smooth is the channel hand-o�? What happens when the baton drops? Do outdated methods hold you back? Does the tail wag the dog with administrative systems dictating the client experience? Quality can su�er when clients are pushed onto low-cost channels. What enticing designs marry low cost with convenience? One channel rarely suits all. How can a mix be designed to create a seamless, convenient experience for everyone?
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