StageIt’s early morning, and the stage is set. Our panelists will soon be arriving, along with the recipients of our CGE Leadership Awards.

LevonianLouise Levonian, ADM of Finance and chair of the Sub-Committee on Public Service Engagement, talks about how constant change in the public sector is the new normal.

TreuschAndrew Treusch, Commissioner of the Canada Revenue Agency, says that change can’t be stopped, and it’s up to leaders to decide if they want to take charge or be left behind.

LeahyKevin Leahy, Chair of the National Managers’ Community, talks about how Blueprint 2020 will modernize what managers do, and how they do it.

Karen Ellis, President of the Federal Economic Agency for Southern Ontario, and Levonian look on as Andrew Treusch addresses the crowd.

An audience member asks the panelists a question.

Dr. David Ulrich, a professor with the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, talks about how the public service needs to foster a culture of constant change.

IBMIBM’s Catherine Reese talks about how analytics can help leaders in their organizations.

WatsonWhy is it so important for the public service to grow its own talent? Daniel Watson, Chief Human Resource Officer, says it’s because Canadians turn to the public service instinctively when problems need to be solved.

The CGE Leadership Awards were handed out to the St. Lawrence Parks Commission, Canada Health Infoway, New Brunswick’s Performance Excellence Process, GCSurplus at Public Works and Government Services Canada, the Canada Revenue Agency’s Red Tape Reduction initiative, the Ontario Land and Resources I&IT Cluster’s Modernization of Approvals Platform, and Health Canada’s First Nations Health Authority.

After lunch, Vince Molinaro spoke about “The Leadership Contract.”

Jodi LeBlanc, Values and Ethics Advisor for Veterans Affairs Canada, Jean-René Halde, CEO of the Business Development Bank of Canada, and Janice Baker, CAO for the City of Mississauga, participate in a panel moderated by Molinaro on the topic of the future of the public service.

Amy Allen
Amy Allen is a staff writer with Canadian Government Executive magazine. You can connect with her at