Canadian Government Executive - Volume 26 - Issue 02
The suf�ix comes fr�� th� G�e�k (streng�h) a�d (power �v��) while p�r�a�s con��ti�g (wisdom, g��� judgem�nt). Th� suf�ix now mea�s “rul� o� governm��t by.” is governa�c� by spe�ial��t� who �rea� policy �s�ue� a� t�chni��l prob�ems t� be solv�d with e����nc� a�d pr��tic�l knowledg�. only we�l-i�form�d c�t�zens could v�te? Th�n you’d �ave what J�son Bre�na� (Ag�inst Democra�y, 2016) c�l�s If only wise ��t��l�c�ua�s cal�ed th� s�o��, ��at is � coined by Plato fr�m “n��s” meani�g ���d or �ntel��c�. could have r�f��r�d to �ule by “learn�d scho����,” t�e �rig�nal meani�g of th� w�rd pun�it (f�om Sanskrit). I���ead, it r�f��s �o a sy�tem wh�r� (cu�rent a�d form��) media co�m�nt���rs ex��� �t�ong influe�c� ov�r al� s��t� of polic�es th�y know li�t�e- to-n��hi�g ab�ut. is Franc�� �uk�y�ma’s term (Poli��ca� Orde� & Polit�ca� De��y, 2014) for a sy�tem whic� �nables competing ��l���ca� factions �� obstruc� �hange. is a �y�tem of hi�ra�c����l contr�l �ha� ��g�nizes of��c�� of �uncti��al spe����i�t�. R U L E O F L A W means “rul� by the peo�l�.” A “direct” democra�y �f���s cit�zens ��vol��m��t in legis�at�n�, wher�s a “rep��s�nta�iv�” o�e vest� pow�r in el�ct�d rep��s�nta�iv��. 18 / Canadian Government Executive // March/April 2020