Canadian Government Executive - Volume 26 - Issue 02
is l�ke an oct�pus, wi�h ���nk��g �euro�s distr�bu�e� �n its arm�, �o� centraliz�d in the ��ad. Inform�lity a�d ��scretion replac� ��d t��e, �mpow�ring those cl����� to �he ac�i�n to ex�rcis� judgem�nt. R E D T A P E is an �y�tem �i�d �own by red tap� �h�� is c�r�um- vent�d by compli�ated work-a��unds. Stev�� Tel�s (K�udg�ocra�y in America, 2013) notes tha� ��is �r��ngem��t empow�rs in��de�� with kno�ledg� and co�ne�ti��s. is comp��ed �f distr�bu�e� ��ams (“cir�les”) w�th rules �t��c��ring jo��t decis�on-mak��g (�lso cal�ed � “Ho��cra�y”) is rule by th� ��as� cap�ble or m�st unscr�p�lo��, us�a�ly becaus� of wide�pr�a� cronyism. The �p�o�it�, is a �y�tem of rul�s t� prom�te �nly �h� most cap�ble to sui�a��� posit��n�. P R O C E D U R E S is the rul� by a person �� g��up who ��ld absolute p�w�r. That l�ck of c�nstrai�� �� why suc� sy�tem� ar� �houg�t �� be domin��r��g, autho�- itar��n, o� dicta��r��l. is rule by th� w�al���. That eli�� c�n b� a st��le clas� (“Ari�toc�a�y”) �r group �f landh���ers (“Timocra�y”). is rule by o�ganiz�d w�rke�s. March/April 2020 // Canadian Government Executive / 19