Canadian Government Executive - Volume 27 - Issue 03

10 / Canadian Government Executive // May/June 2021 COVID-19 ditions to make the overall system work to address the problem of implementing im- munity certificates. Analysis of the issue of immunity certificates This section of the article further analyses the problem statement from an intergov- ernmental lens in Canada on various di- mensions such as scientific, political, social, ethical, legal, and technological. A thorough jurisdictional scan is also carried. Jurisdictional scan A thorough jurisdictional scan is done to understand how other countries and ju- risdictions have approached the problem of immunity certificates. Carte Jaune is a traditional immunity certificate created by the World Health Organization as an incen- tive to advance global immunization goals. While several jurisdictions are exploring the use of immunity certificates, the below table summarizes various jurisdictions that have adopted some form of immunity certificates as a part of their pandemic response. It is important to note that in the United States, several states, such as Florida, Texas, Arizona etc., also have either banned or pre- vented the mandatory use. Political considerations There are political implications on the deci- sion and implementation of immunity cer- tificates. In the Canadian context, federal, provincial, and territorial politics play a key role. The current political environment in Canada with a minority federal govern- ment, and probable provincial elections in Nova Scotia and Nunavut in 2021, Ontario and Quebec in 2022 can shape the issue. The scale of the COVID-19 global pandemic also brings in the dynamics of international politics to this problem. The world health organization (WHO) has issued interim guidance on immunity certificates within the provisions under International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR). International politics can shape the direction of immunity certificates as the countries of G7, G20 etc. are looking towards immunity certificates as a viable option for a safe restart. Public opinion is also an important factor driv- ing the adoption and success of immunity certificates. While there are a few studies on public opinion in Canada, they have been divided and mixed and are similar in other jurisdictions, and public opinion can change throughout the implementation of immunity certificates. Other considerations This article also analysis other crucial di- mensions about the issue of immunity certificates and their relevance from an intergovernmental lens, such as scientific, social, ethical, legal and technological di- mensions. The findings are summarized in Table 5.