Canadian Government Executive - Volume 27 - Issue 03

May/June 2021 // Canadian Government Executive / 7 COVID-19 In addition, all levels of governments are ex- pected to collaborate with Indigenous leaders and key partners to ensure immunization out- comes for the First Nations, Inuits and Métis. The Problem Statement Immunity certificates are viewed as a key enabler for the gradual, phased and safe reopening of the society and economy to pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels. While pro- ponents argue for the benefits of immunity certificates, the scientific community is di- vided because of evolving evidence. There are concerns around privacy and the socio- economic implications such as stigma and its impact on marginalized communities. The immunization program in Canada being a coordinated effort between the federal, pro- vincial, and territorial governments, there are inter-governmental parameters that need to be considered while exploring the issue of immunity certificates. This article also argues for adopting a hu- man-centred design approach to defining the problem of immunity certificates. Human- centred design is an approach to problem- solving that is traditionally used in design and management frameworks to bring in a human perspective in all stages of problem- solving. This article extends this approach to intergovernmental problems. The various stakeholders involved with the problem are first explored from a human-centred design lens to frame their respective pain points and define the attributes of the problem for im- munity certificates. Figure 1: Stakeholder analysis of immunity certificates in Canada