Canadian Government Executive - Volume 27 - Issue 05
September/October 2021 // Canadian Government Executive / 17 Sponsored Content OPTIMIZING SERVICE DELIVERY AND EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCES THROUGH DIGITAL GOVERNMENT PERSPECTIVE By Marc LeCuyer Marc LeCuyer is the Vice President and General Manager at ServiceNow Canada. The company’s cloud based platform and solutions deliver digital workflows that create great experiences and unlock productivity for employees and the enterprise. per cent before the pandemic. Now, many of these same individuals would like to continue having greater flexibility in how they work, with more than one-third of government employees showing a pref- erence for remote work and many others wanting to take on a hybrid approach. This requires a more robust digital strate- gy that balances the needs of both Canadi- ans and government employees. Through adopting simpler, more user-centric solu- tions, public services can work to develop more personalized, accessible and stream- lined approaches which accelerate and strengthen our digital government. Investing in the future employee experience A satisfied customer begins with an em- powered employee, and we’re seeing this now especially when it comes to Cana- dian public institutions. As we continue to find ways to improve how government employees interact with one another and citizens in our new world of work, this will ultimately translate into more engaged and productive teams that are able to deliver the experiences Canadian citizens want. It is through continued innovation and further investment in future-focused technology, including digital workflow solutions, that our government can suc- cessfully power and drive more optimal, meaningful experiences, to the benefit of both its citizens and employees. Government services continue to prioritize digital service delivery As we’ve seen throughout the pandemic, innovation and digital transformation have been at the centre of providing em- ployees with safe and convenient ways of working in our new world. With busi- nesses undergoing rapid digital transfor- mation across all sectors and professions, Canadians have continued to benefit from new tools and technologies within our in- creasingly digital economy. While organizations effectively adapt and tailor their processes to meet new changing expectations for digital services, our government is among those recogniz- ing its important role in helping to shape ideal citizen experiences. Recent results from ServiceNow’s Citizen Experience in Canada report c learly demonstrate that Canadians want all levels of government to provide online, consumer-grade ex- periences as seen within the private sec- tor. With the government prioritizing its commitment to rolling out digital options, maintaining this momentum for citizens and government employees alike is key. Employee and citizen experi- ences go hand-in-hand Regardless of age and industry, both citi- zens and government employees across Canada have embraced increasingly dig- itally-driven approaches in at least some shape or form. Today’s citizens want real-time access to information, immedi- ate responses to questions and proac- tive communication on relevant updates. When questions or concerns arise, these individuals want to be able to connect directly with government employees to help navigate their situation in a timely manner, seeking to resolve issues and complete any transactions as quickly and effortlessly as possible. Being able to ac- cess and process services online also re- duces the necessity to go into service centres and wait in line. By eliminating siloed and outdated sys- tems through integrated processes such as digital workflows, government teams can work more collaboratively between departments and increase cross-channel communications efforts. This allows em- ployees to experience greater efficiency and meet the digital needs of citizens with increased visibility, accountability and transparency in a shorter timeframe. Build- ing trusted relationships and strengthen- ing public engagement is important in driving confidence in the government’s abilities to deliver services and support pandemic recovery. Equipping employees with the right tools and resources they need to drive more positive outcomes will ultimately lead to building best-in-class ex- periences for our digitally enabled world. The digital opportunity within hybrid work models Canadian organizations and government departments are currently in the process of developing plans for their new world of work, whether that mean s returning to an office o r working from anywhere. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, which makes having a strong, seamless digital founda- tion to support agile and advanced ways of working crucial to connect depart- ments from wherever work is happening. Government employees made one of the largest shifts to remote work during the pandemic, with 68 per cent n ow pri- marily working remotely, compared to 2 TM Citizen experience Unpacking access to government services With the global pandemic putting digital transformation on the fast track, expectations are shifting – including for government. See how Canadians feel about access to government services and where there’s opportunity to deliver great experiences. Experiences matter Starting off on the wrong foot Digital can mak a difference The digital cu tomer service opportunity See how ServiceNow can help. A great citizen experience has a positive impact on opinions. Demand for digital is here, with most Canadians preferring to access government services online and on mobile. Consumer brands are doing a better job of customer service than g vernment. Deliver a better government digital service experience. of Canadians of Canadians Canadians of Canadians say positive experiences with public services improve their overall perception of government. rely on someone else to help them access public services. think navigating government services would be simpler with more digital tools. say good experiences increase the chance of future interactions with government. 61% 46% 8 in 10 And 56% But accessing services can be a challenge. Governments have an opportunity Challenges accessing government services start early. The global pandemic has shifted expectations long term. want real-time support, such as live online chat formats or SMS text messages for real-time support. Canadians have faced challenges making contact with the right government department. 84% 6 in 10 Why? 52% say it was hard to get through to support, and phone lines were busy. 3 in 10 need help because the process is too complicated. 2 in 10 say they don’t know how to do it or where to go. Why? 24% got bounced around to different departments. And 40% say they faced a technical challenge, including using the website or portal. 25% couldn’t find the right contact information they needed. What services would help? 8 in 10 say greater use of automation or live chat functions. And 3 in 4 want mobile-friendly options. 3 in 4 say the pandemic has made them more open to accessing government s ervices digitally. A nd 85% want access to government services digitally after the pandemic ends. believe consumer companies provide better customer service than government. say better customer service would have improved their recent dealings with governmen t. 8 in 10 4 in 10 to deliver the customer service Canadians want with digital tools.