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/ Canadian Government Executive

// May 2016

Program Evaluation

Taking Stock






wenty years ago, the Performance and Planning Ex-

change (PPX) was created by a small group of senior

federal public servants and private sector professionals

with experience in Results-Based Management (RBM),

working in association with the Treasury Board of Canada Sec-

retariat (TBS). The federal government was introducing RBM

across the public service (several prov-inces and municipali-

ties were undertaking similar efforts). PPX was established as a

non-profit, international organization, based in Ottawa, Canada,

with a mission to promote the development of expertise in RBM,

particularly for planning, performance measurement and public

reporting activities. So, today what has been achieved by imple-

menting RBM? What has PPX contributed?

First, what is RBM and how does it work? RBM is a manage-

ment strategy which uses a systematic approach and techniques

to achieve strategic goals and outcomes. These are very often

dis-aggregated into more specific program activities and/or ser-

vices with associated medium or short term goals and outcomes.

People and organizations who contribute either directly or indi-

rectly to the strategic outcomes lay out their business processes,

products and services, showing what and how they contribute

to the outcomes–the expected results. These may be a physical

or intellectual result, a change, an impact or a contribution to a

higher level goal. Information (evidence) of actual results is used

for accountability, reporting and for feedback into the design, re-

sourcing, delivery and improvement of programs and services.

More than just for performance reporting, this information helps

managers manage, i.e. make decisions, take corrective actions and

learn from both positive and negative results.

RBM works better under certain

conditions, where:

• Policy goals and strategic objectives are clear

• Management through results is a top priority and is reinforced

by the senior leadership of the organization, through a culture

of transparency, ethicality, and accountability

• A strong theory of action exists showing how inputs and instru-

ments are connected to client experience and desired outcomes

• Authorities and instruments essential for success are clearly

defined and controlled, whether by a government, agency, pro-

gram, office or individual

• Those charged with delivering results are supported by system-

atic and ongoing means of de-veloping necessary skills, includ-

ing research and continuous leading-edge training

• Relevant data is available to inform monitoring and reporting

of progress, results and outcomes.

Starting from the mid-1990s, promising signs of RBM’s rising

importance included new governance, oversight and organiza-

tional arrangements, including Parliamentary Estimates reform.

Departmental Estimates were split into separate planning and

reporting documents, allowing greater oversight and focus on

both activities. At the same time, the Management Results and

Resources System (MRRS) was introduced, under which depart-

ments define, plan, and link their programs and activities to ex-

pected results, performance measures and results reporting. In

turn, MRRS information is used for Cabinet decision making and

central agency resource allocation.

Subsequently, New Public Management theory arrived, with

increased authority delegated to deputy ministers and depart-

ments, along with strengthened accountability mechanisms such

as deputy head performance agreements/assessments and later

on, the Management Accountability Framework (MAF). Under

Alternative Service Delivery policy three major agencies were

created, each with tailored authority and accountability regimes

(CRA, Parks Canada and the Canadian Food Safety Agency).