May 2016 //
Canadian Government Executive /
Program Evaluation
As an organization outside government supporting and sustain-
ing RBM’s momentum and condi-tions for success, PPX has pro-
vided continuous learning and knowledge sharing opportunities.
Over its 20 years, PPX has organized annual two-day symposia
where senior leaders, academics, and practitioners discussed new
RBM trends and best practices and over 80 half-day Learning
Events involving a wide variety of RBM related topics.
Risks and challenges exist, however, to sustaining the Canadian
public service’s RBM efforts. In the past decade, there has been a
relatively sharp concentration of power and authority at political
levels, reducing the public service’s degree of policy capacity and
autonomy in achieving expected results for Canadians. Reliance
upon Parliamentary committees such as Public Accounts to pro-
vide oversight and accountability of government’s results was cir-
cumscribed. Trust levels between public servants and politicians
have weakened, in turn impacting performance levels. Resources
dedicated to RBM related activities were also streamlined and/
or reduced.
Our newest federal government has clearly signaled its inten-
tions to renew the focus on the con-ditions for RBM’s success, di-
rectly and indirectly, through emphasis on restoring trust within
the public service, an emphasis upon evidence based decision
making and “deliverology” (a strategic focus on best ways to pro-
duce tangible results in policy and delivery). They have restored
transparency and accountability in the public release of Minis-
terial mandate letters that have numerous results expectations
with TB taking a clear lead in overall results management. A com-
mitment has also been made to strengthen the oversight and ac-
countability exercised by Parliamentary committees.
The current government’s resolve to follow through on these
RBM related commitments, while meeting its many other com-
peting priorities will no doubt be tested.
is a Senior Director (Retired) from the Office
of the Comptroller General of Canada and a long-time board
Member of PPX.
astewart68@rogers.comRBM works best when those
charged with delivering results
are supported by systematic
and ongoing means of develop-
ing necessary skills, including
research and continuous
leading-edge training.
Register Now! 20th Annual Performance and Planning Exchange (PPX) Annual Symposium May 17-19, 2016