April 2016 //
Canadian Government Executive /
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April 2016 – VOLUME 22 – NUMBER 4
6 How to re-engage a high potential employee By Craig Dowden 8 Connecting with the Young: Ontario’s EO Live Chat By Nestor Arellano 10 A Chief Science Officer for Canada? By Paul Dufour 22 Developing an Effective Relationship between Internal Audit and the Audit Committee By Cindy Kailly-Smith and Gurmit Aujla 24 Improving Performance Reporting: Lessons Learned from the Agency Assessments By Tom WilemanOBSERVATIONS
20 MIDDLE MANAGEMENT The Millennials in Middle Management By John Wilkins 26 Bookshelf Leadership BS , By Jeffrey Pfeffer by Harvey Schacter 28 DIGITAL GOVERNANCE The Troubled Governance of Sports Gambling by Jeffrey Roy 30 THE LAST WORD The Appointment Process by David ZussmanTHE INTERVIEW
14 ron Parker Editor Patrice Dutil engages Ron Parker, CEO of Shared Services CanadaTHE DASHBOARD
16 A shot in the arm for supervised injection site proponents 6 14 24 22 10