May 2016 //
Canadian Government Executive /
T E L FER SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT UN I V ERS I T Y OF OT TAWA PROJECTS ARE BECOMING INCREASINGLY MORE COMPLEX We are pleased to announce the launch of the Master of Business in Complex Project Leadership* . Designed to give you the necessary skills to successfully lead: • Complex Capital Procurement Projects • Business Transformation and Organizational Change • Innovation, R&D, and New Product Development • Information Technology and Information Systems *Pending Approval from the Province of Ontario telfer.uOttawa.ca/cplDesign
• Reforming the family justice system
• Enhancing community experience by
design in Canadian cities
• Public sector purchasers as value cre-
ators in the food system
• Decision-making for environmental poli-
cy development
• Leading systems change in the charita-
ble sector
• Tackling hunger, poverty, housing, wa-
ter, farming, and health in developing
The RSD series has led the development
of new practices and methods known as
systemic design, which integrate systems
thinking and theories into the design ap-
proaches. Methods such as system map-
ping and visualization, system models for
business planning and policy, foresight-
driven design, and structured stakeholder
dialogues are presented to showcase new
inquiry and prototype solutions for these
complex problem areas.
This October, RSD5 will focus on sys-
temic design for social complexity. The
RSD5 symposium is curating presenta-
tions, workshops, panels, and posters deal-
ing with the effective design and change
interventions in the hyper-complex prob-
lems facing governments, sectors, service
systems (such as healthcare and immigra-
tion), and urban development. OCAD Uni-
versity and MaRS Discovery District are
organizing the venue, and veterans from
Alberta CoLab and the Oslo School of Ar-
chitecture and Design are co-creating the
program. New knowledge and learning
from completed case and field research is
being sought for:
• Social System and Transition Design
• Service Design, Healthcare System De-
• Complex Sociotechnical Systems
• Sustainability and Socio-ecological Policy
• Democracy, Policy Design and Modes of
• Public Services Design and Civic Inno-
• Theories and Methods of Systemic De-
• Systemic Business and Organizational
• Built Environment and Design of Settle-
• Capacity Building and Resilient Devel-
is an associate profes-
sor at OCAD University in the MDes
Strategic Foresight and Innovation
program and guides research in the
Strategic Innovation Lab (sLab.ocadu.
ca). He is the lead chair for RSD5,
Relating Systems Thinking and Design,
hosted by OCADU Oct 13-15, 2016.
While the submission for paper presentations closes as of May 3 , workshop and poster sessions are being accepted until June 11 . RSD information and past proceedings are available online at http://systemic-design.net.