May 2016 //
Canadian Government Executive /
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May 2016 – VOLUME 22 – NUMBER 5
6 The Apple Conundrum By Jeff Roy 10 The Growing Importance of Political Advisers By Jonathan Craft 14 Rebuilding Procurement Capacity at CBSA By Jessica Sultan 22 Realistic Advice on Managing Risk By Louis Seabrooke and Greg Nesbitt 26 Taking Stock of RBM By Art Stewart 28 NRCan’s Innovation Hub By Nestor ArellanoOBSERVATIONS
18 Design Design-Thinking Conferencing by Peter Jones 20 MIDDLE MANAGEMENT Managing Conflict in Middle Management By John Wilkins 24 Bookshelf Illuminate , By Nancy Duarte and Patti Sanchez by Harvey Schacter 30 THE LAST WORD Political Advisers: A Good Start by David ZussmanTHE INTERVIEW
12 Michel Vermette Craig Dowden meets Michel Vermette, CEO of APEXTHE DASHBOARD
16 The Uber Effect in Canada 6 18 26 22 12