Moving beyond political expediency
2 min read
The U.K. deliberations decided real change will come when politicians see the value of evidence and evaluation in helping them...
Apple versus Android: The wider stakes at play
4 min read
In recent months, Apple and Samsung have been clobbering one another in court rooms around the world.
Paper cut: A webinar on print services
2 min read
I can remember when technology promised the end of paper and, with it, reduced costs. Well, that dream's faded. In...
The power of being an oxymoron
6 min read
Are you an iron-willed pussycat? A creative imitator? A hesitant risktaker? A competent self-doubter? In short, are you a paradox?
Alberta’s “distinct” service coordination initiative
2 min read
At the GTEC Distinction Awards Monday night, there was ample cause for celebration as awards were handed out in federal,...
Open government: Turning past practice on its head
7 min read
When GTEC begins on November 5 in Ottawa, British Columbia will be on display. Kim Henderson, Deputy Minister, Labour, Citizens'...
The true value of government
2 min read
There’s nothing like a Frankenstorm to make one ponder the value of government. The devastation wrought by superstorm Sandy on...
Why election television trumps social media
4 min read
During the month of October tens of millions of viewers will tune into three presidential debates, and maybe a fourth...
Causal relationship: Inclusion and productivity
1 min read
The US Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has released a report indicating that President Obama has had some success in...
Virtual networking: Building your online brand
4 min read
The lines between our professional and personal lives are blurring: we are taking our work home with us and bringing...