Contract A is anti-competitive…
4 min read
…well, maybe not – but there is a link. Governments must learn to seek the best, be reasonable and decisive...
Democratic schisms: The clash of old and new voices
4 min read
For Egyptians and Mexicans, this past summer showcased the imperfections of democracy.
Parting thoughts of a deputy
4 min read
Last week, I announced that I would be retiring from the public service. Thank you for permitting me to bid...
Changing the way you change
6 min read
Whether you have read John Kotter’s classic Leading Change or not, it almost certainly has influenced how you lead your...
Influencing trust
1 min read
Readers’ Digest Canada recently conducted a poll that found the Canadian Armed Forces was the most trusted institution in the...
Managing to what end?
2 min read
The question is: when will governments wake up and figure out that the process of transformation needs to take into...
Sadness and celebration: The highway of heroes
5 min read
It was minus ten Celsius, damp, with a wind chill that bit through your clothing. It was one of those...
Tradition and realism: Canada’s CARICOM relations
4 min read
As colonies of the former British Empire, a common history forms the basis for the centuries-long friendship between Canada and...
Tradition and realism: Canada’s CARICOM relations
4 min read
As colonies of the former British Empire, a common history forms the basis for the centuries-long friendship between Canada and...
Showcasing Canada to the World: Calgary to Host WorldSkills 2009
6 min read
The judges are in place. The clock is ticking. The best in the world have come to Canada to compete....