What ever happened to program evaluation?
4 min read
Canada is facing a huge financial challenge brought on by massive stimulus spending that will be paid for by deficit...
World Bank charts new course in public sector reform
2 min read
What happens when a minister asks: "What’s the solution to the problem?" In international development, there is often no one...
The traps that cause government failure
6 min read
When Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon, it was government that got him there. U.S. President John F. Kennedy had...
What new professionals need
6 min read
What do new professionals (NPs) need to better engage, contribute, and (for some) transition into managers?
Discounting the evidence and passing the buck
4 min read
Ironically, at a time when governments should be ramping up to meet some of the longer term issues to face...
Finding your ego equilibrium
6 min read
Ego can do us in. It can lead to arrogance, blindness, and a destructive relationship with those we need to...
Positive interaction: Study finds provinces connecting with citizens online
2 min read
Governments in Canada know they need to use the Internet better to connect with citizens. One reason is cost. The...
A career boost for foreign trained professionals
3 min read
Anne Peters looked out her office window, glanced skyward, and said a silent “thank you.”
Mining for corporate social responsibility
6 min read
The Canadian mining industry is responsible for over 4.5 percent of the nation's GDP. It has contributed to opening up...