Merit and trust
4 min read
For the past one hundred years, democratic states have been moving steadily toward a merit-based society where advancement in the...
Keys to success: Talent, technology and tolerance
6 min read
Talent, technology and tolerance represent what I call the 3Ts of economic development. The 3Ts approach represents a comprehensive strategy...
From austerity to agility
4 min read
With the federal public service in a state of budgetary retrenchment, for many managers the focus is understandably on the...
Collaboration key to environmental innovation
4 min read
Saskatchewan's Ministry of Environment is leading a new approach built on results-based regulations to enhance environmental protection while encouraging innovation.
The people management challenge
4 min read
The 2012 budget has come and gone but the huge challenge of implementing its key human resource and programming elements...
A national priority: Creating a science policy centre
4 min read
Science and technology have been major contributors to the economic prosperity and social well-being of our nation.
Science solution: The business of innovation
6 min read
There is little doubt that the federal government is reshaping the public service. In science, the government is also looking...
Mixed media: The generational communications conundrum
2 min read
It's no secret that the government workforce is changing in both the U.S. and Canada. One reason is diversity; the...
Five factors for managed print services
4 min read
Governments throughout Canada are facing a number of challenges, from reducing operational costs to meeting sustainability goals to procurement reform....