A strategy for new relationships with business
4 min read
Ontario's Business Sector Strategy is a groundbreaking initiative that has challenged the government to re-think current approaches, re-evaluate regulations and...
Designing ‘balanced’ performance indicators
4 min read
Canada is a hockey-loving nation and now is the time of year when performance in the National Hockey League comes...
Green goals for building construction
4 min read
New Brunswick is breaking the mould of traditional government infrastructure by adding greener, more sustainable design and construction practices to...
Building schools to green standards
4 min read
When it comes to constructing green schools, Alberta is at the head of the class.
Setting a sustainable pace for green municipalities
5 min read
As federal, provincial and territorial governments enact legislation designed to improve air, water and soil quality, and protect the climate,...
End game: a leaner, more efficient government
2 min read
At the APEX Symposium last week, the President of the Treasury Board, Tony Clement, told us what he sees as...
Money, politics and the ‘requirements’ of defence procurement
3 min read
There is defence procurement, and then there is Defence Procurement. The Department of National Defence – by itself, or through...
Registering relationships with First Nations – one birth at a time
4 min read
For First Nations, a child's birth must be registered before parents can apply for a birth certificate, which in turn...
Dysfunctional Parliament and the role of the media
4 min read
Over the past few years there has been much dissatisfaction directed at the business of Parliament. The prevailing view is...
Great expectations: Reshaping the public service
2 min read
Wayne Wouters spoke at the APEX Symposium yesterday, and reiterated two themes from his recent report to the Prime Minister:...