SIBs are no easy sell
4 min read
On March 29th, the federal government brought down one of the most anticipated budgets in recent years.
Evaluating the risk factor
4 min read
How do you know what you don't know? How do you get vendors to tell you about potential problems with...
Continental security and Canadian secrecy
4 min read
In February, President Obama and Prime Minister Harper announced the formation of a bilateral working group to explore ways to...
The gift of good governance
4 min read
It is unlikely that any international affairs expert could have predicted that the striking of a college educated cart vendor...
What’s UP? How unsolicited proposal policies can benefit your agency
4 min read
With few exceptions, public spending rightfully requires competition and due diligence to ensure fairness. We are not allowed to be...
Stopping the post-award freedom of information dance
4 min read
We all know the music and the steps that go with it. A large dollar, high profile contract is awarded.
Taming white elephants: A strategy for introducing learning technologies
4 min read
Did you know that a lot of white elephants roam the halls of our organizations? In fact, you may have...
Negotiated procurements: An alternative to high-risk, mediocre proposals
4 min read
Procurement today is often like buying horses from Thomas Hobson in Cambridge England during the 1600s: you took the horse...
UK: Still driving service delivery change
2 min read
The U.K. Big Society project includes the reform of government service delivery. As promised, the government has released a 2012...
The cost of the lack of trust
2 min read
A few years ago, my colleague Paul Crookall and I wrote a report examining social media and its impact on...