Supporting a knowledge economy
6 min read
CGE Vol.14 No.1 January 2008 Richard Dicerni is deputy minister, Industry Canada. He spoke with editor-in-chief Paul Crookall.
Revamping performance management: Simplify it
7 min read
CGE Vol. 14 No.4 April 2008 The Tellier-Mazankowski advisory committee on the federal public service delivered its second report to...
Project management SWAT style
6 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.4 April 2007 "The potential to lead is in all of us. If I could learn it at...
Exercising to build networks and partnerships
6 min read
CGE Vol. 14 No.5 May 2008 Before dawn on Monday, 18 February 2008, just as an international conference was about...
Faire don de confiance
5 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.5 May 2007 Karen Ellis est vice-présidente de la Direction générale du renouvellement de la fon
Linking public value to public leadership
4 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.3 March 2007 In the January issue, Harvey Schachter reviewed Unlocking Public Value. This practical manuscript writ
Shawn Graham: Transforming to self-sufficiency
5 min read
CGE Vol. 14 No.4 April 2008 "Be In This Place" is the slogan for New Brunswick - and Premier Shawn...
Melding with our machines
4 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.2 February 2007 So you think you've got it tough wrestling with your particular Big Issue - native...
Leadership moderne : souplesse, compétence et collaboration
6 min read
La fonction publique de demain sera assurément différente de celle d’aujourd’hui, et ce, au sein de tous les ordres de...
Project management excellence
4 min read
Building project management and business transformation capacity is critical to advancing public sector reform.