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Author: Admin

Leading from any chair 

CGE Vol.13 No.3 March 2007 I am writing this from my hotel room in Ottawa, Canada, where I just made...

Policy and performance 

Two decades after the Thatcher government revolutionized the provision of government services, it is clear that alternative service delivery is...

Adventures in talk time 

CGE Vol.14 No.3 March 2008 If you spend much time at the place where policy and programs are wrapped in...

Three-legged people 

CGE Vol.13 No.9 November 2007 Leadership in multi-sector partnerships is growing in importance. Effective partnerships among busin

Les dirigeants face aux conflits 

Gérés efficacement, les conflits peuvent favoriser la résolution conjointe des problèmes, améliorer la communication, rehausser le moral et accroître la...