Projecting leadership in a YouTube world
4 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.3 March 2007 Conundrum: a hard or perplexing question; a riddle the answer to which involves a pun...
Leading from any chair
6 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.3 March 2007 I am writing this from my hotel room in Ottawa, Canada, where I just made...
Revitalizing a vital institution
5 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.7 September 2007 "If the Public Service, as a core national institution, does not renew itself for futu
Talent wars and the OPS revolution
4 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.5 May 2007 In late 2004, the Ontario Public Service received a wake up call. The provincial auditor...
Policy and performance
4 min read
Two decades after the Thatcher government revolutionized the provision of government services, it is clear that alternative service delivery is...
Adventures in talk time
4 min read
CGE Vol.14 No.3 March 2008 If you spend much time at the place where policy and programs are wrapped in...
Three-legged people
4 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.9 November 2007 Leadership in multi-sector partnerships is growing in importance. Effective partnerships among busin
Mobilisation des employés : Stratégies à haut rendement
4 min read
Après avoir consacré trois années à la mobilisation des employés et à sa mesure annuelle, nous avons constaté une nette...
Fitting P3s into public procurement
4 min read
In most democracies public procurement is expected to be fair, transparent and provide equal opportunity.
Les dirigeants face aux conflits
4 min read
Gérés efficacement, les conflits peuvent favoriser la résolution conjointe des problèmes, améliorer la communication, rehausser le moral et accroître la...