New alliance aims to improve mental health at work
2 min read
Excellence Canada has formed a strategic alliance with SEB Benefits & HR Consulting as part of its ongoing mandate to...
Achieving a healthy workplace
6 min read
Depression, anxiety and other mental health issues now make up about half of all disability claims. We all want a...
Why government needs the future of two-factor authentication
5 min read
This past August, the Toronto Star reported that in the four months prior, the Canadian federal government had incurred 101...
Leveraging defence acquisition for Canadian innovation
10 min read
The release of the Defence Procurement Strategy (DPS) in February 2014 has significantly transformed the way equipment is acquired by...
Infinite development pathway
4 min read
Continuous, life-long learning is the future of the public service. Building the capacity of our workforce to meet new expectations...
Raising the cost-capability tradeoff stakes
3 min read
When you haven't built warships in decades and must wrestle with flat budgets and fewer human resources, how do you...
Canada-China cooperation
4 min read
In January 2015, Chinese Ambassador to Canada, Luo Zhaohui wrote in the Globe and Mail that "developing China-Canada relations is...
Collaboration to counter threat explosion
4 min read
In Budget 2015, the federal government earmarked $58 million over five years to further protect its essential cyber systems and...
A curriculum fit for public service transformation
5 min read
Like all governments, the federal public service faces increasing demands for innovation, cost efficiency, organizational agility, responsiveness to the needs...
Track two diplomacy: Myths and realities
6 min read
“Track Two Diplomacy” is a term that first appeared in the early 1980s, though it had been around much longer...