A team that works
4 min read
The government of Canada’s transformation agenda continues to drive change across the public sector, requiring delivery of a large number...
Freedom in western grain movement: Why the Revenue Cap needs to go
3 min read
As the 21st century unfolds, agricultural exports continue to play a major role in Canada’s economic growth. Market opportunities are...
Difficult decisions: Shipbuilding and cost-capability tradeoffs
2 min read
As one of the U.S. Defense Department's largest acquisition organizations, Program Executive Office, Ships oversees the design and construction of...
A tale from four cities
4 min read
The Association of Professional Executives of the Public Service of Canada (APEX) is talking the talk and walking the walk...
Communicating the threat: Improving Canadian cyber security strategic capabilities
4 min read
Cyber-attacks. From the public perspective, where its a frequent headline, we're nearly immune to the term. But to corporate and...
Time for a digital diplomacy blueprint
7 min read
In April 2014, the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development listed 33 Facebook and 39 Twitter accounts for Canadian...
Talk is cheap
4 min read
It is amazing how much information goes back and forth between a buyer and the supplier community during a procurement...
Rebuilding Canada’s international capacity: Diplomatic reform in the age of globalization
12 min read
The world is an ever more complicated place and diplomacy, the world’s second oldest profession, matters more than ever before....
Peer-2-Peer Knowledge Network for Public Innovators: Learning and Development Crowd-Resourcing Program Proposal
9 min read
In this month’s blog, I would like to test out an idea. I have been toying with this idea for...
Managing audit fatigue
3 min read
The government of Canada has implemented several measures over the past few years to strengthen accountability and increase transparency in...