Get Ready for the Net Generation
7 min read
I call today’s youth the Net Generation. Born between 1977 and 1997, these teenagers and young adults are the children...
Hill+Knowlton Strategies recognized for quality
1 min read
Hill+Knowlton Canada announced last week that it has received the prestigious Canada Order of Excellence, the highest honour bestowed by...
Strategic public managers: Leadership competencies
2 min read
Public service today is a crowded intersection – no public sector reform without capacity development, no transformation of networked government...
Transforming for the digital age
2 min read
Nine former members of the CBC board of directors were reported as saying that the CBC's vision for the future...
Doing less, but better
4 min read
I’ve been giving 110 percent for as long as I can remember – attempting to do it all, while taking...
Service delivery: Lessons from NZ
2 min read
The New Zealand government and public service went through major reforms from 1986-1994. Some work has been done to find...
An intelligent city
3 min read
Despite the international media circus created by Mayor Rob Ford, Toronto has been named the 2014 Intelligent Community of the...
Seeking nominations for Veterans Ombudsman’s Commendation
1 min read
The Veterans Ombudsman's office is accepting nominations for the Veterans Ombudsman’s Commendation, awarded to individuals, groups, businesses or associations that...
It’s good for what ails your organization
6 min read
The best internal auditors actually are really good managers first. I can take very good program managers and make very...
A healthy debate
2 min read
they tend to gloss over the substantial range of public servants that exist