John Wilkins
John Wilkins is a teaching practitioner with The School of Public Policy and Administration at York University. He was a career senior public servant and diplomat. (wilkins@yorku.ca)
In search of excellence
3 min read
Excellence is not an aspiration. Excellence is what you do in the next five minutes. ‒ TOM PETERS The search for excellence...
Hope floats
4 min read
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, … it was the spring of hope, it...
Doing the right things right
3 min read
Big Brother is watching you. – GEORGE ORWELL (1949): NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR By 2015, 245 million surveillance cameras were installed worldwide. That number is growing by...
Hopeful public service
5 min read
A sometimes pessimistic Millennial offered a satirical retrospective on 2020. Growing up, she listened curiously to older generations tell of their...
Motivating unexpected results
4 min read
The size of your dreams must always exceed your current capacity to achieve them. ‒ ELLEN JOHNSON SIRLEAF, PRESIDENT OF...
Leading inclusive workplaces
4 min read
It takes teamwork to make a dream work. ‒ THE SECOND BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL (2015) Linus van Pelt was...
Mainstreaming gender equity
3 min read
When women are empowered, they become powerful agents of change capable of transforming their families, communities, and countries. – HONOURABLE MARIE-CLAUDE BIBEAU, FORMER MINISTER...
Studying public management in dangerous times
4 min read
The Motorcycle Diaries is a 2004 road movie, coming-of-age story, and biopic. The film follows a young Che Guevara’s travels across South...
Speaking truth to empower
3 min read
In March 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. addressed a civil rights audience at Grosse Pointe High School in Detroit. He...
Cultivating uncommon touch
4 min read
Moonlight overcame a major gaffe during the 2017 Academy Awards to be named Best Picture. Barry Jenkins’ delicate, low-budget, independent...