The eight signs of idiocy
6 min read
Tell the truth. Deep down, do you sometimes - or often - believe your workplace is populated by idiots?
Networking for success
4 min read
The TRIC model of leadership is enshrined in the Ontario Public Service's core competencies for managers and executives.
Asking the right question
7 min read
What if our general approach to brainstorming was all wrong? That challenge is posed by Kevin Coyne and Shawn Coyne...
Leading a respectful workplace
6 min read
A respectful workplace is a critical ingredient of successful public service organizations.
A leader to emulate
7 min read
Nearly two decades after I read Lincoln On Leadership, the messages stick. It's a combination of an astute leader and...
A top employer
6 min read
For the third year in a row, the Ontario Public Service (OPS) has had the prestigious honour of being named...
Keeping allies and influencing adversaries
6 min read
True leaders are proactive. They get things done. They accomplish that by getting a critical mass of people and/or groups...
Justice strategy takes top IPAC honour
3 min read
Justice on Target (JOT) takes a unique and bold approach to the challenging and complex issue of criminal court delay.
When contributions and contracts collide
4 min read
Federal, provincial and municipal governments provide billions of dollars in grants and contributions to many thousands of recipients including individuals,...
Master chess, not checkers
7 min read
Management and leadership are complicated. So it would be lovely if there was some secret ingredient, one thing that we...