Les dirigeants face aux conflits
4 min read
Gérés efficacement, les conflits peuvent favoriser la résolution conjointe des problèmes, améliorer la communication, rehausser le moral et accroître la...
Workforce renewal in an aging world
6 min read
Popular wisdom holds that the public service will need to recruit a large number of young professionals, mostly recent grads,...
Eight archetypes of the work environment
6 min read
We can learn from archetypes. They can help us lead, if they are clear and practical enough
Connecting the Dots: Educating the organization
6 min read
CGE Vol.14 No.2 February 2008 As I mentioned previously, one cannot underestimate the importance of educating program executives,
Ontario’s leadership development
4 min read
Improving leadership development is widely recognized by HR leaders and senior managers as a key priority for any high performing,...
The Challenge in Iraq
6 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.9 November 2007 What is the toughest job in government? Try head of the public service in Iraq...
Nurturing future policymakers
6 min read
Natural Resources Canada is accustomed to nurturing, protecting and growing Canada's most precious resources. Now it is also able to...
Growing strong, growing smart
6 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.9 November 2007 Growth can mean opportunity. Significant increases in population can lead to a stronger workforce, a
The curricula, they are a-changin’
4 min read
In an increasingly competitive and complex global marketplace, both employers and employees who display creativity, knowledge and imagination are at...
Leaping sectors in a single bound
6 min read
The transition from the private sector into an executive role in the federal public service is not easy.