The City’s Challenge
5 min read
How do city managers and elected officials lead municipal public services, and how do they relate to each other? We...
Le rôle du discours narratif dans la gestion publique
6 min read
Le « discours narratif » est la dernière tendance en politique et en gestion publique - il suffit de suivre...
Organizing NGOs: Transplanting a chamber model
4 min read
Canada's non-profit and voluntary sector is in a peculiar position. For a sector that is 161,000 organizations strong, boasts a...
Narrative: Why it matters
6 min read
Narrative has become a buzzword in politics and public management - Google it and you'll find 46 million hits. What...
Cadre supérieur et coach: une seule et même personne?
5 min read
La recherche démontre hors de tout doute que le fait de consulter un coach professionnel a permis à de nombreux...
Better political leaders
6 min read
Robert Louis Stevenson once observed that "politics is the only occupation for which no preparation is thought to be necessary."...
Online Extra: The conflict competent leader
5 min read
Managed effectively, conflict increases collaborative problem solving, heightens team connectivity, enhances communications, and improves morale and productivity. Mismanaged, it increases...
Reality for today’s leaders
2 min read
The issue of leadership continues to swirl around us. The policy environment is complex, there are multiple accountabilities, decisions to...
Lead like Barack Obama
3 min read
In recent weeks our headlines and the world's attention have been directed towards two things, the U.S. presidential election and...
Purpose, people, performance: The roles and attributes of effective public sector leaders
5 min read
Much of the current leadership and human resource literature focuses on outlining core leadership "competencies," but empirical research shows that...