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Category: Leadership

Better political leaders 

Robert Louis Stevenson once observed that "politics is the only occupation for which no preparation is thought to be necessary."...

Online Extra: The conflict competent leader 

Managed effectively, conflict increases collaborative problem solving, heightens team connectivity, enhances communications, and improves morale and productivity. Mismanaged, it increases...

Reality for today’s leaders 

The issue of leadership continues to swirl around us. The policy environment is complex, there are multiple accountabilities, decisions to...

Lead like Barack Obama 

In recent weeks our headlines and the world's attention have been directed towards two things, the U.S. presidential election and...

Diriger comme Barack Obama 

Ces dernières semaines, les manchettes et l'attention du monde entier étaient centrées sur deux dossiers : l'élection présidentielle aux États-Unis...

Excellence publique 

APEX, l'association professionnelle des cadres supérieurs de la fonction publique fédérale, reconnait l'apport extraordinaire d'individus dans 6 catégories. Ces prix...

Why we follow bad leaders 

Reading Walter Isaacson's interminable but also always fascinating biography of Steve Jobs, I was mulling over the question of how...