How do you trust?
7 min read
Trust can be slippery, hard to get a handle on. We shouldn't need a manual to be trustworthy but in...
National managers’ community marks decade of leadership
6 min read
From a small community of like-minded managers and with the support of a dedicated handful of senior officials, the National...
Positive psychology and effective leadership
6 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.7 September 2007 Positive psychology, studying people's strengths and promoting human potential, is adding great
A call for an entrepreneurial public sector
2 min read
Quote of the week “We’ve produced a dangerous form of individuality with entitlement rights that say essentially that you can...
Inspired R&D leadership required
4 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.7 September 2007 As politicians and public servants return from their holidays, and as citizens redirect their atten
Words to live by
7 min read
Do you know what you're about? Could you describe your leadership approach to someone who works with you?
Growing tomorrow’s leaders
6 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.7 September 2007 Peer network coaching: a pragmatic approach to leadership development. Public sect
Saving service: Responding to fiscal pressures
5 min read
Peter Wallace has a tough task. As the new Head of the Ontario Public Service (OPS) and Clerk of the...
The motivating power of progress
6 min read
If you're of a certain age, you may remember the slogan for General Electric from the 1960s: "Progress is our...
Mutual respect: Alberta’s public leadership
6 min read
As part of our ongoing series of conversations on the relationship between public service and elected government, Alberta Clerk of...