Narrative: Why it matters
6 min read
Narrative has become a buzzword in politics and public management - Google it and you'll find 46 million hits. What...
Cadre supérieur et coach: une seule et même personne?
5 min read
La recherche démontre hors de tout doute que le fait de consulter un coach professionnel a permis à de nombreux...
Better political leaders
6 min read
Robert Louis Stevenson once observed that "politics is the only occupation for which no preparation is thought to be necessary."...
Online Extra: The conflict competent leader
5 min read
Managed effectively, conflict increases collaborative problem solving, heightens team connectivity, enhances communications, and improves morale and productivity. Mismanaged, it increases...
Reality for today’s leaders
2 min read
The issue of leadership continues to swirl around us. The policy environment is complex, there are multiple accountabilities, decisions to...
Lead like Barack Obama
3 min read
In recent weeks our headlines and the world's attention have been directed towards two things, the U.S. presidential election and...
Change is our future
4 min read
As federal government managers deal with the results of the recently tabled budget, there is mounting apprehension about the impact...
Arctic cooperation: Knowledge sharing trumps confrontation
4 min read
The Arctic is a world apart. The distances are epic, and the weather often dangerously extreme.