Integrated and lean: The future of healthcare procurement
4 min read
New ways to incorporate value into projects are maximizing the value of dollars invested.
Procurement challenges in developing countries
4 min read
Effective public procurement can be "make or break" in developing countries where internal revenues stretch to reach 50 percent of...
A leader’s guide to ethical public procurement
6 min read
Recent high profile troubles at e-health operations in both Ontario and British Columbia have once again focused attention on the...
Are you FAT enough?
5 min read
Anyone who has been told by a doctor to lose weight has undoubtedly been introduced to the body mass index...
Procurement cube-anomics: The spend management paradigm
4 min read
When he was younger, our son liked to play with Rubik's cubes. For most people, solving this iconic puzzle seems...
Just what is competition?
4 min read
The next time you hear someone argue that government procurement has to be based on competition, you might ask, “what...