Teetering on the tipping point
6 min read
Policymakers agree that municipalities are critical to Canada's future prosperity and sustainability.
Whither the fearless adviser?
5 min read
During the last few months, many public servants in Canada have been dusting off their policy texts as they search...
Eleven fraught files for 2011
6 min read
The public sector faces many challenges this year. At a high level, governments will need to maintain Canada's prosperity and...
Plan d’action pour la gestion de crise
4 min read
Maintenant que l'excitation provoquée par les élections canadiennes et américaines est retombée, l'attention de la nation se tourne vers des...
Transportation in transition
6 min read
Driven by a growing population and an export-based economy, transportation networks across Ontario are evolving to move people and goods...
Collision entre les contributions et les contrats
4 min read
Les administrations fédérale, provinciales et municipales versent des milliards de dollars en subventions et contributions à des milliers de bénéficiaires,...
Raising Canada’s diplomatic game
7 min read
The West has spent so much money and treasure on military interventions over the past decade that diplomacy is sure...
Faciliter le processus de congédiement
4 min read
Parallèlement à l'importance accrue accordée à la gestion du rendement, la Cour suprême du Canada (C.S.C.) a clarifié et assoupli...
A new model for Aboriginal governance
6 min read
We've seen that real progress is achieved through First Nations building our governance systems, law-making, administrative capacities and re-building and...
Arctic ambition: Intersecting forces challenge Canadian narrative
6 min read
For Canada, unlike non-Arctic nations, the Arctic is a matter of both domestic and international relations.