Honouring public service excellence
6 min read
Each year, the Association of Professional Executives of the Public Service of Canada identifies exceptional individuals or teams to receive...
Sinking silos, but the skills remain the same
7 min read
There was some debate between the business and labour communities with government on the scope and the role of the...
A strategy for diversity and inclusion
6 min read
The Ontario Public Service's Diversity Office envisions a diverse and inclusive organization that delivers excellent public service and is truly...
Turning customer service into a profession
4 min read
The Heintzman Leadership Award is presented annually by the Institute of Citizen-Centred Service to an individual who has demonstrated outstanding...
“A terrific career choice”
6 min read
The work that public servants at all levels do is critical to Canadians, but too often one gets the impression...
Leading in times of fundamental change
6 min read
The shifting, interdependent relationship between business and culture has had much to do with my journey at the Department of...
Excellence at work: Quietly changing British Columbia
4 min read
In 2004 the British Columbia Public Service launched the Premier's Innovation and Excellence Awards program.
Archiving the digital record
7 min read
How does a traditional government organization move from archiving books to preserving blogs and other sources of digital information?
A global engineer for change
7 min read
I met Elizabeth and John when I stayed in their village, Gbaln, in Ghana's Northern Region. I stayed in Elizabeth's...
A tale of two cities: Differing perspectives on city governance
6 min read
In both Calgary and Toronto, citizens voted for change last fall. In Calgary, civic activist and business professor Naheed Nenshi...