Strategic downsizing: Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater
2 min read
It’s all very well to talk about making government smaller. But smaller government is only part of the puzzle.
Managing to what end?
2 min read
The question is: when will governments wake up and figure out that the process of transformation needs to take into...
The public service and varsity sports
2 min read
More and more, money alone doesn't cut it to attract and keep employees. To draw and keep the people we...
Arm’s length agencies: The next generation
6 min read
During the mid 1990s Canada gained a reputation internationally for public sector innovation.
The future public service: Open and fast moving
2 min read
The U.K. has released its Civil Service Reform Plan, and anyone interested in public sector reform should give it a...
What new professionals need
6 min read
What do new professionals (NPs) need to better engage, contribute, and (for some) transition into managers?
End game: a leaner, more efficient government
2 min read
At the APEX Symposium last week, the President of the Treasury Board, Tony Clement, told us what he sees as...
Great expectations: Reshaping the public service
2 min read
Wayne Wouters spoke at the APEX Symposium yesterday, and reiterated two themes from his recent report to the Prime Minister:...
Renewing public service
4 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.6 June 2007 Public service renewal has become a major priority of the federal government and many provincial governm
The gift of trust
6 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.5 May 2007 Karen Ellis is Vice-President of the Public Service Renewal and Diversity Branch at the Public...