The gift of trust
6 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.5 May 2007 Karen Ellis is Vice-President of the Public Service Renewal and Diversity Branch at the Public...
Employees want renewal
6 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.1 January 2007 What exactly do federal public servants want? The message from the 3rd Public Service Employee Survey
Renewal and communications
6 min read
Renewal is an ongoing process demanding hands-on commitment across a broad front. While centrally-driven efforts are important, they must be...
Lend us your enthusiasm and passion
4 min read
In the April edition, the Federal Youth Network wrote a memo begging national managers to challenge them. Here is their...
Trust, transformation and technology
7 min read
Allan Seckel joined the British Columbia public service in 2003 after a career in civil litigation and class action practice...
Connecting with a future workforce
4 min read
In November, Canadians came face to face with the reality of life in some of northern Ontario's most isolated communities.
Living the canada@150 vision
4 min read
Recognizing that the federal public service must evolve to keep pace with change, canada@150 was an innovative project launched to...
Why we need to tell our stories
4 min read
When I was hired into the federal government in 2003, I really didn't know what I was getting myself into.
Conversation required: The public service and its future role
4 min read
On March 22, Federal Budget Day, the Harper government authorized the release of three reports that directly touch on the...
Australia’s blueprint for public sector reform
4 min read
As promised, the advisory group on the future of the Australian Public Service (APS) delivered its report to Prime Minister...