Permission to fail: Changing the culture of the public service
3 min read
Wicked issues? What does that mean? It means that traditional solutions - divide and conquer, going it alone, or letting...
Imagination, innovation et audace sont nécessaires
6 min read
Mes amis, vous avez fait un bon choix. En entrant dans la fonction publique, vous vous retrouvez en plein cœur...
Renewal: Will it be different this time?
4 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.10 December 2007 Public servants are used to secretaries of cabinet promoting projects to renew, reinvent or reinvi
Challenge us
4 min read
We would like to share with you our ideas on how to make the public service a better place to...
Un renouvellement vital : mythe et réalité
6 min read
La Direction de la conservation et de la protection (C&P) est chargée de l'exécution des lois touchant Pêches et Océans...
Public Service 2.0: A new participative ethos
3 min read
Is there reason to hope? Once again, the federal government has pledged to empower staff and simplify rules in search...
The intrapreneur: Government’s game changer
4 min read
The economic meltdown has crippled governments already challenged by global warming, health care crises, collapsing social structures, and growing public...
Living Renewal: Myths and Reality
6 min read
Conservation and Protection (C&P) is the enforcement arm of Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
Unleashing creativity in the cubicle
4 min read
When someone I meet for the first time asks me the usual question: "So, what do you do?" I like...
What’s on your horizon?
6 min read
Join us on a trip around our planet as we explore the twelve wicked issues that will likely be big...