High potential, low possibilities
4 min read
It now appears that Canada will emerge earlier than expected from the economic recession that has ravaged job markets around...
A quest for the truth: Probe before you investigate
6 min read
The spectre of wrongdoing within a department can send chills down the corporate spines of an organization.
Mission critical: IT systems renewal
9 min read
We live in a time when physical and digital infrastructures built in a different economy are wearing out. Over the...
Six étapes (pas si) simples pour révolutionner la prestation des services
6 min read
Il n'y a pas si longtemps, les Beatles chantaient : « Tu veux la révolution? Oui, bien sûr, nous souhaitons...
Capitalizing on complexity
4 min read
How are leaders responding to a competitive and economic environment unlike anything that has come before?
Six (not so) simple steps to a service delivery revolution
6 min read
The Beatles once sang, "You say you want a revolution? Well, you know, we all want to change the world."
Case Studies: It pays to learn from others
4 min read
We live in times of significant demographic and technological transition across the broader public sector. People are leaving. New people...
Ontario’s venture to catalyze private markets
4 min read
An idea - that's where it all starts. Entrepreneurs travel a long road to achieve success, with many stops along...
Making P3s work
5 min read
Public-private partnerships (P3s) have become increasingly important in Canada at both the federal and provincial levels. What can governments expect...
Agriculture’s collaborative portfolio management
4 min read
Strong portfolio management is increasingly important in today's interconnected world.