Restoring trust
7 min read
The Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada (PSIC) was created in 2007 so federal public servants and...
The auditor’s cautionary tale
4 min read
After the Auditor General’s (AG) report was released on April 30, the national media were quick to draw attention to...
Crowdsourcing a future vision
2 min read
In the Twentieth Annual Report to the Prime Minister on the Public Service of Canada, Clerk of the Privy Council...
Improving accountability for health and safety
8 min read
Entering 2013, Canadian employers and unions, public and private sector alike, must deal with increasingly complex issues in health and...
Keeping performance management relevant
3 min read
“Is performance management still relevant?” was the thought-provoking question posed by Murray Kronick in the February edition. The article noted...
A blueprint for the future public service
2 min read
The Clerk of the Privy Council spoke at the APEX Symposium yesterday. While the substance and themes of the speech...
Defence procurement: Does anyone care?
3 min read
A year since my last article on defence procurement, positive change is lacking while negatives abound. Does anyone care?
Technological panaceas: The blinding effects of risky rhetoric
4 min read
In the midst of cutbacks and crisis, efficiency is vital to providing quality service. Increasingly, this may mean turning the...
The full monty: UK deputies face full exposure
1 min read
In the U.K. system, Permanent Secretaries are what we call Deputy Ministers. As part of that government’s Civil Service Reform...
Duffy and leadership
2 min read
What would journalist Mike Duffy say about Senator Mike Duffy? Maybe three things: