How WorkBC is changing the job search with technology
2 min read
Have you ever asked if you’re in the right job or the right industry at the right time? There might...
Collaborating on Yukon’s long-term labour market
4 min read
The Yukon Territory labour market is changing considerably. To ensure Yukon remains strong economically, Yukon Education developed with stakeholders a...
Minor paperwork problems may no longer cause bid rejection
2 min read
Public Works has started a project that tries to fix an egregious difficulty in bid application for military equipment procurement.
To give is to motivate
2 min read
It is interesting that when you ask people why they work in the government, they will probably say they do...
Let your workforce data do the talking
4 min read
It's no secret that an organization's people are critical to its success – and insight into people-data is a vital...
EXecutive voice
7 min read
APEX, the Association of Professional Executives of the Public Service of Canada, has a new CEO. The independent, not-for-profit association,...
Citizens First 6: Understanding the opportunities
4 min read
The drive to contain costs within the public sector will likely encourage co-location of services across jurisdictions, integration, streamlining and...
A tale of three stories…and the lessons learned
4 min read
In the March edition, I put forward three stories about process and results that were based on real events. In...
Resting in reaction mode
2 min read
No one can predict the future. In a world of rapid change and global interactions, how is it possible for...
Can a new dog teach an old organization new tricks?
2 min read
Can an organization change through new leadership alone?