Delivering student aid in a digital age
4 min read
In 2012, two major initiatives changed the face of Ontario’s Student Assistance Program (OSAP), a program serving more than half...
Managing change in the modern public service
8 min read
In times of change, middle managers make the difference. Sandwiched between the executive cadre and the staff, middle managers are...
Rethinking the humble telephone: part deux
2 min read
Smart phones now account for 40% of all internet usage, and this is changing the world we live in.
Gun control: The VP, Twitter and the 3D printer
4 min read
Faced with the Newtown tragedy, President Obama has sought to make gun control a signature issue at the outset of...
A tale of three stories
4 min read
My previous articles have talked about process and results-driven procurement, and the need to think when you "do" this important...
Do your thoughts on technology suffer from the “Borg Complex”?
1 min read
When confronted with concerns about technology, do you ever dismiss these by stating that "resistance is futile"?
Rethinking the humble telephone
2 min read
Too often emailing is used to dodge conflict; why not use the good ol’ fashioned phone instead?
Transformation by sequestration
2 min read
Federal public servants south of the border are, of course, concerned about the impact of the sequestration fiasco on the...
Managers: The key to business transformation
4 min read
Three decades ago, the federal public service was proportionately larger, generally younger, and – relative to economic growth – enjoyed...