The Carney affair
4 min read
The news of Mark Carney’s nomination as the new Governor of the Bank of England was greeted in Canada with...
Beating the constitutional reform drum
6 min read
The year 2012 presented a milestone in Canadian history, marking three decades since the affirmation of existing Aboriginal and treaty...
A summit for today’s leaders
2 min read
When it comes to the public sector, few would argue that the sea is calm. The drivers of change –...
Open Data: A means, not an end to collaboration
4 min read
We built it. They came. They left. The reason? Open data was treated as a technology project, when it should...
Out of the light and into the shadows
4 min read
When I retired there was no one to whom I could transfer the accumulated knowledge and experience of years in...
Public value model would require greater public participation
2 min read
Many think the traditional Westminster system of public management is on life support. And with the decline of New Public...
Priorities and challenges for the Chief of the Defence Staff
8 min read
On October 29, General Tom Lawson accepted the responsibility of Chief of the Defence Staff from General Walt Natynczyk during...
One Choice: Culture, engagement and passion
3 min read
Choice. It seems like such a simple thing, to choose to go from disengagement to engagement. But it’s not.
The looming long-term care crisis
4 min read
Canada is sleepwalking into a long-term care funding crisis and urgent policy action is required to ensure baby boomers will...
A new approach for Ontario public service
8 min read
On December 6, Ontario Progressive Conservative leader Tim Hudak released a document entitled A New Deal for the Public Sector...