Wouters recognized for visionary leadership
7 min read
In October, Wayne Wouters, Clerk of the Privy Council, received CAPAM's Gordon Draper Award for “contributing selflessly to the advancement...
Accounting for value: Financial lessons from Lean
4 min read
In a 2011 white paper published by the Internal Federation of Accountants, the authors present a vision of the professional...
The evolution of epost
4 min read
Canadians are the most digitally engaged country on the planet, by almost 30 to 40 percent. And yet Canada remains...
Six must-do’s for electronic recordkeeping
4 min read
Why is it so difficult for governments to implement an enterprise-wide EDRMS (Electronic Document/Records Management System)?
Industrial and regional benefits: Helping the defence industry in the global marketplace
3 min read
Canada’s approach to industrial benefits is focused on providing business opportunities for Canadian firms.
Sage advice for a public service career
3 min read
I recently had the opportunity to attend Mega-ConnEX – a government-wide young professionals and senior executives networking event.
When ‘yes’ means your word
7 min read
The PrimesChris McGoffJohn Wiley, 241 pages, $35.95 As the World Bank in the 1990s was preparing for a major transformation...
Recruiting and retaining the knowledge worker
2 min read
As the public sector faces its uncertain future, one key area for it to consider is human resources, where change...
Ten years of contributing to public sector excellence
3 min read
As young public servants, members of the national Federal Youth Network (FYN) play an important role in shaping the future...
Innovation and wealth creation in Canada’s North
6 min read
The North is, in political and administrative terms, a young land, with many innovative leaders and public services, and with...