Unconventional characteristics of good leadership
2 min read
Chief Human Resources Officers may believe that leadership development is important, but only a third of them think their organization...
Les trois R
5 min read
Les services généraux ou ministériels ont souvent du mal, surtout dans les petits organismes, à gérer de façon équilibrée des...
What role should ministers play in running a department?
2 min read
This report from the UK Public Administration Committee looks at the evolving role of Cabinet ministers in the U.K. system...
A place for program evaluation
4 min read
As the global economy struggles to regain some forward momentum, Canadian governments are looking for ways to limit government spending...
Turning up the heat on back burner issues
4 min read
Parliament is back in session and despite the "sound and fury" emanating from Parliament Hill, in a very short period...
Young Professionals
6 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.9 November 2007 "Crabbed age and youth cannot live together," Shakespeare wrote. The
Inspirer la confiance via la gestion du rendement
6 min read
Il y a dix ans, la Société canadienne du sang (SCS) prenait les rênes d'un organisme en pleine déroute à...
Majority report: Mixed prospects for digital reform
4 min read
The securing of a much-coveted majority by Stephen Harper's Conservatives surely sets the stage for revolutionary changes in digital government....
Toward a democratic recovery plan
4 min read
With Parliament once again open and a new federal budget in the offing, the political spotlight returns to Ottawa.
The motivating power of progress
6 min read
If you're of a certain age, you may remember the slogan for General Electric from the 1960s: "Progress is our...