Train for Success
4 min read
"Canada as a nation just doesn't work well enough and we seem to have trouble ‘getting our act together' when...
Commitment to trust
6 min read
Stephen M.R. Covey has sold 600,000 copies of The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything, a book...
La confiance : l’antidote à l’aversion pour le risque
6 min read
Wayne Wouters occupe le poste de secrétaire du Cabinet, greffier du Conseil privé et chef de la fonction publique du...
The rise of municipal government 2.0
4 min read
Despite the occasional ministerial tweet and public banter about the federal government's imminent (always imminent) plans to expand the usage...
E-health: A governance failure
4 min read
The recent scandals plaguing Ontario's e-health agency carry important lessons for the evolution of digital government and the challenges that...
Selling your great ideas
6 min read
Good ideas in government often seem destined to be shot down. They have to be sold to a long line...
Eight archetypes of the work environment
6 min read
We can learn from archetypes. They can help us lead, if they are clear and practical enough
Valoriser la fonction publique
4 min read
À vos yeux, quels sont les plus grands défis de l'IAPC? J'estime qu'il existe deux défis, le premier &eac
Moving excellence forward
4 min read
Early in 2011, the National Quality Institute (NQI) board of governors decided to re-brand NQI as Excellence Canada.
Professionalizing service management
4 min read
For leaders, the biggest challenge to improving public sector service delivery is not just identifying citizens' voices and needs. Rather,...