Arctic ambition: Intersecting forces challenge Canadian narrative
6 min read
For Canada, unlike non-Arctic nations, the Arctic is a matter of both domestic and international relations.
Innovative IT: Supporting government transformation
6 min read
As the showcase province at this year's GTEC conference, Manitoba highlighted how it is leveraging enterprise solutions to create best...
Online Extra: The conflict competent leader
5 min read
Managed effectively, conflict increases collaborative problem solving, heightens team connectivity, enhances communications, and improves morale and productivity. Mismanaged, it increases...
Le renouvellement des effectifs dans un monde vieillissant
4 min read
On pense souvent que la fonction publique devra recruter un grand nombre de jeunes professionnels, surtout des récents diplômés, pour...
Bridging the divide, neglecting the gap
6 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.7 September 2007 It's been 20 years since we started talking about the digital divide. What progress have we mad
Virtual mentoring
5 min read
The Mosaic Index, by Professor Richard Florida, which measures the percentage of population who are immigrants, indicates that Canada outperforms...
Performance culture: Strategies for achievement
6 min read
CGE Vol.13 No.9 November 2007 Organizational culture plays a strong role in encouraging performance-oriented behaviour. In the pri
Protecting the mind at work
6 min read
You know you have to protect your employees from bodily harm in the workplace, but did you know you have...
Revitalizing civic infrastructure through sport
4 min read
Few things catalyze infrastructure faster than a major international sporting event.
Tides of Change
5 min read
"All things by immortal power, Near and Far, Hiddenly To each other linked are, That thou canst not stir a...