Tides of Change
5 min read
"All things by immortal power, Near and Far, Hiddenly To each other linked are, That thou canst not stir a...
A duty to care
6 min read
What role should governments and public servants play in safeguarding personal information?
Greater collaboration helps chart new natural resources course
3 min read
Natural resources have and will continue to play a significant role in the development of many poorer nations.
Dire la vérité aux dirigeants
5 min read
Au cours de ma longue expérience auprès de différents ministres d'allégeances politiques diverses, je n'en ai jamais rencontré un seul...
Crisis management through social media
2 min read
Quote of the week “At the Queensland Police Service, we will continue to innovate with social media and other online...
Total Place tackles government silos
2 min read
Quote of the week “What was clear when you visited some of the places [was] that there were areas where...
The public servant defender
2 min read
President Obama has it right, and it's a message that all governments should take to heart: government employees deserve to...
The one-stop shared services shop
1 min read
Quote of the week “…we must simplify and standardise back office services and functions.” — UK Cabinet Office Editor’s Corner...
What of regulation?
4 min read
Much of the current conversation about the federal government's economic agenda has concentrated on its decision to cut the GST...
Plan d’action pour la gestion de crise
4 min read
Maintenant que l'excitation provoquée par les élections canadiennes et américaines est retombée, l'attention de la nation se tourne vers des...