Building trust helps Metis make great strides
4 min read
In recent years, the Ontario government and the Metis people have signed several significant agreements under a new partnership.
Cocréation et renforcement des capacités : un changement durable
6 min read
D'abord vue comme stable, même figée, la fonction publique connaît maintenant des changements continus et s'adapte à de nouveaux modèles...
Trust, transformation and technology
7 min read
Allan Seckel joined the British Columbia public service in 2003 after a career in civil litigation and class action practice...
Creating a culture of innovation
2 min read
Quote of the week “An innovative APS starts with individual public servants wanting to try new ideas.” — APS Innovation...
Questioning the experts
2 min read
Yet another MP – Nancy Duncan – is attacking the credibility of scientists and experts. “It” refers to the Joint...
Monitoring the money
4 min read
For the next few years, the federal government's overarching agenda will be to find ways of balancing its budget.
Whither the fearless adviser?
5 min read
During the last few months, many public servants in Canada have been dusting off their policy texts as they search...
Le défi des villes
4 min read
Comment les cadres et les élus des villes dirigentR09;ils les services municipaux, et comment interagissentR09;ils? Nous en avons discuté avec...
Role reversal
6 min read
Don't trust anyone over thirty, Jerry Rubin pronounced in 1967. Jerry, head of the Youth International Party, the Yippies, appealed...