Monitoring the money
4 min read
For the next few years, the federal government's overarching agenda will be to find ways of balancing its budget.
Whither the fearless adviser?
5 min read
During the last few months, many public servants in Canada have been dusting off their policy texts as they search...
Le défi des villes
4 min read
Comment les cadres et les élus des villes dirigentR09;ils les services municipaux, et comment interagissentR09;ils? Nous en avons discuté avec...
Role reversal
6 min read
Don't trust anyone over thirty, Jerry Rubin pronounced in 1967. Jerry, head of the Youth International Party, the Yippies, appealed...
Oversight and openness: Fixing the RCMP
4 min read
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police are one of Canada's most critical assets in a digital world, fighting cyber-crime and terrorism...
Fonction publique 2.0 : les nouvelles valeurs participatives
4 min read
Y a-t-il de l'espoir? Une fois de plus, le gouvernement fédéral s'est engagé à donner des moyens à son personnel...
Who are you: wise boss or bosshole?
6 min read
Are you a good boss? Or a bad boss? Or a bit of both? Presumably, whichever category you place yourself,...
Heros and Villains: The Steve Jobs presentation approach
6 min read
When Steve Jobs unveiled the new iTab earlier this year, the internet site carrying his talk crashed from the hordes...
Stratford’s solution to IT systems management
3 min read
The economic downturn and subsequent loss of tax revenues are forcing municipalities around the world to make some hard choices.
Medicine Hat jostles employees to communicate
3 min read
Poet Rudyard Kipling famously described southeastern Alberta as having "...all hell for a basement and the only trap door appears...