Whither the fearless adviser?
5 min read
During the last few months, many public servants in Canada have been dusting off their policy texts as they search...
Le défi des villes
4 min read
Comment les cadres et les élus des villes dirigentR09;ils les services municipaux, et comment interagissentR09;ils? Nous en avons discuté avec...
Role reversal
6 min read
Don't trust anyone over thirty, Jerry Rubin pronounced in 1967. Jerry, head of the Youth International Party, the Yippies, appealed...
The future of service delivery: Paper, place and politics
4 min read
More than a decade ago, some enterprising folks at Industry Canada produced a powerful PowerPoint depiction of online service and...
Gov 2.0 the U.K. way
3 min read
The Obama administration is appointing "Directors of New Media" for most agencies, to develop Web 2.0 strategies, and more open,...
Decoding tribal culture
6 min read
Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization Dave Logan, John King and Halee Fischer-Wright Collins, 297 pages,...
Convincing conversations
6 min read
Our work life is a series of conversations. And those conversations determine whether you will be successful or not.
A new model for Aboriginal governance
6 min read
We've seen that real progress is achieved through First Nations building our governance systems, law-making, administrative capacities and re-building and...
Correctional Service consultations for an inclusive workplace
3 min read
This past June, Don Head, commissioner of Correctional Service of Canada (CSC), started a national conversation with staff of Aboriginal...
Leading a respectful workplace
6 min read
A respectful workplace is a critical ingredient of successful public service organizations.