Innovating social services in Canada by giving clients greater choice, control, and flexibility
4 min read
Everyone wants to change, become more efficient, and drive better value – all code for greater cost savings. But one...
Immigration 2.0: What Role Will Cities Play?
7 min read
Canada’s international reputation for welcoming and integrating newcomers is unparalleled. At a time when much of the world seems intent...
Evaluation and Government Decision-Making
6 min read
The Canadian federal government has had an internal program evaluation system in place for over 35 years. Virtually all departments...
Exploring public service in the North
3 min read
Usually, the summer period is a relatively slow time for public servants across the county. Parliaments and legislatures are in...
Microsoft is transforming the way of delivering government services with AI
2 min read
Artificial Intelligence is creating a great stir across many industries today. AI itself has been around for decades, but in...
The Phoenix pay system debacle
4 min read
In the spring of 2018, the Auditor General of Canada, Michael Ferguson, released a hard-hitting report on the Phoenix pay...
Government can send immigrants to rural areas. But can it make them stay?
6 min read
In the three years to 2020, Canada will welcome almost a million new immigrants. Hundreds of thousands will settle in...
Mining embodies progress
3 min read
Mining embodies progress. Mining provides civilization with the materials required for the construction of indispensable items such as buildings, cell...
Innovation + Communication = Culture of Innovation
7 min read
The well-publicized scrap between Canada’s Auditor General and the Clerk of the Privy Council questioning if the climate of the...
Cloud adoption: Interview with Jonathan Spinks, Sourced Group
1 min read
Cloud technology is a game changer! Successful implementation in both the private sector and public sector is a vital component...