Systems evolution: A gigamap
3 min read
What is the central challenge facing government institutions and societies in coming decades? We define this challenge as Digital Era...
Text Messages and Government Records
3 min read
Today’s newspapers are once again reading that bureaucrats, this time in CRA, possibly deleted text messages that may be “government...
CGE appoints new editor-in-chief
4 min read
Canadian Government Executive Media (CGE) announced today that Patrice Dutil has been selected as editor CGE. Dutil is a professor...
CGE appoints new editor-in-chief
4 min read
Canadian Government Executive Media (CGE) announced today that Patrice Dutil has been selected as editor CGE. Dutil is a professor...
Everything has changed
4 min read
We hear it often about the digital era: “Everything has changed.” We hear that new technologies, business models, and modes...
From wireless to wearables
4 min read
For skeptics, Google’s recent decision to abandon sales of its current iteration of Google Glass is mere confirmation that wearing...
Global Solution Networks: A revolution in governance
7 min read
I don’t think governments have changed fundamentally since Al Gore made that famous commitment 20 years ago. We’ve largely paved...
Architects, wordsmiths, parrots, duckers and naysayers
4 min read
I wrote about accountability more than a year ago. Recently, a colleague whispered to me that it is time to...
Coders find new apps in government data
4 min read
And then there were 15. Of 125 apps built from open government data for CODE 2015, fifteen are still in...
For what it’s worth
4 min read
There's something happening here. It might not warrant the protest cry of Stephen Stills' iconic lyrics, but it is revolutionary...