The fallout of favouritism
1 min read
and was patently unfair; they were obviously hired because of who they knew. But after working with the person for...
Increase in reports of federal data breaches led by CRA
1 min read
According to a report by the Ottawa Citizen today, the federal government saw a surge in security breaches over a...
Stuck in the stagnate middle
4 min read
The recent sparring between Justin Trudeau and Jason Kenney about the plight of the middle class in Canada is a...
Data, public safety, and the economy
2 min read
It may not seem immediately obvious, but public safety is an important contributor to economic growth. When a crime is...
How to hire the best and brightest
2 min read
One of the challenges facing the public service is recruiting and retaining younger, bright college students. It is often assumed...
“Decide once, check many”: data, analytics and border control
2 min read
Border control is an important element of modern society. We live in a world where terrorist threats are all too...
As certain as death and taxes
4 min read
Benjamin Franklin said that "in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." I think...
A data-based approach to health care
2 min read
Health care is one of the most important services that governments can deliver – yet it is also one of...
Stewards of innovation: Leaders in the middle
2 min read
Middle managers are emerging as the true change makers and disciples of reform. These traditional targets of downsizing and restructuring...