A call for smarter collaboration
2 min read
Collaboration is the new mantra for how governments can work more effectively. Check out the Clerk’s annual reports for the...
Tax is not a four-letter word
11 min read
We do not like paying taxes. This is not big news: we do not much like paying any bills, and...
Blueprint 2020: Smart use of technology
4 min read
In June, the Clerk of the Privy Council, Wayne Wouters, launched Blueprint 2020 with the aim of continuing to build...
Weekly Roundup – October 25th
1 min read
Happy Friday, everyone! Did you miss any of our content this week? If so, look no further; we’ve got it...
Professional development for the CIO
4 min read
The CIO Association of Canada, or CIOCAN, is a self-managed, not-for-profit community of IT leaders whose mission is to facilitate...
Open data, closed information
2 min read
It’s been a busy couple of weeks on the information, privacy and government data front. Early this week, Ontario Premier...
Mel Cappe and the Changing Face of Policy Creation
1 min read
Mel Cappe, former Clerk of the Privy Council, was at the University of Ottawa on Monday to give a lecture...
Balancing act: Privacy and the use of personal information
6 min read
What concerns me is whether or not we’ve got the balance right between privacy and how the government is using...
From open data to open democracy
4 min read
For the casual observer, openness and transparency are terms that can conjure up confusion in recent times. On the one...
Organizations must adopt policies to secure their BYOD data
2 min read
Kurt Roemer, chief security strategist at Citrix, was at GTEC 2013 last week to talk about the importance of having...